Guy on phone: Hi.. can i speak to a "Mikolosh Bashhco"?
Alex: He's actually at work.
Guy on phone: Then can i speak to a "Sandor Bashhco"?
Alex: Him you're speaking to...
Guy on phone: Oh hello, I was just calling to see if you would consider voting for the conservative party in the next federal election?
Alex: When is the next federal election?
Guy on phone: We are considering sometime in the springtime to have a federal election.
Alex: Okay I will consider it I just have to see what my schedule is like.
Guy on phone: Okay, do you think that Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party are on the right track?
Alex: I don't really follow politics so I couldn't tell you.
Guy on phone: So you still live at [insert address here]?
Alex: Yes.
Guy on phone: Thank you for your time, have a good day.
(Political mafia coming to get us!?)