#644 · Apr 26, 2018
Alex: Everyone seems to be driving like an idiot today and it's just torture.
Jessica: To be fair, the speed limit is 40 here.
Alex: I don't care about speed limits. I care about MY limits.
#622 · Nov 6, 2017
Jessica: He's a man of many few words... Many few?
Pearl: And she's not even 1/4 of the way through her wine yet.
#590 · Mar 19, 2016
Jessica: I have to peeee!
Mikkel: You know, you can do something about that.
Jessica: No, I can't! I don't have a "peenis"!
#589 · Mar 19, 2016
Alex: Soirée. Doesn't that sound fancy?
Jessica: No, it sounds French.
#588 · Mar 18, 2016
*Alex falls asleep reading something on Jessica's phone*
Jessica: Can I have my phone back if you're gonna fall asleep?
Alex: Yeah, just pull the cord.
*Jessica pulls the cord and it gets stuck*
Alex: Ahh! That's my face!
#582 · Oct 18, 2015
(Random interruption after Jessica is talking to Alex for 5 minutes)
Alex: Okay I'm having a brain fart. What was Clinton's first name?
#581 · Oct 18, 2015
Alex: Justin Trudeau: you may think he's shifty but everything he says is "True-deau."
Jessica: Where do you come up with this stuff?
Alex: Out of my own head.
Alex: Do you use Pillbury when you bake?
Jessica: No..
Alex: Because that's the only true dough.
#526 · Jul 31, 2014
[Jessica puts her arm around Alex, just after he rolled over in his sleep]
Alex: [complaining] Mm Mm
Jessica: What?
Alex: Mm Mm
Jessica: What's wrong?
Alex: You asked me if I ever jousted.
Jessica: Haha. Are you on drugs?
Alex: I guess you didn't.
#525 · Jul 22, 2014
Alex: Is today Wednesday or Thursday?
Jessica: It's Tuesday..
Alex: So, it's neither?
#521 · Jul 3, 2014
Alex: I got injured today.
Alex: I got hit in the head. You know, with that elastic rope thing you use to tie things down on the truck.
Jessica: Bungee cord.
Alex: *laughs* Yeah that one.
Alex: Maybe me getting hit in the head messed up my vision.
#502 · Mar 18, 2014
Jessica: My foot itches.
Alex: Welcome to my world.
Jessica: Why? Your foot itches?
Alex: Constantly.
Jessica: It does?
Alex: Well...not right now.
Jessica: That makes no sense.
Alex: It doesn't in a logical sense, but in a physiological sense...
#500 · Mar 18, 2014
Jessica: I had a nightmare.
Alex: :(
Jessica: I was preparing Bruce Willis for his funeral and he came back to life. And that's creepy no matter how much he obviously wasn't dead in the first place.
Alex: I guess he didn't die hard enough.