Nikki: two notable quotes by Nik from tonight
Nikki: Suzie cut this big burn on her hand open on the register somehow and it started pouring blood
Nikki: Wendy's like "Don't just stand there, get some gauze or something!"
Nikki: I whisper at Wendy "Ugh, don't let her touch you, she has vegetarian blood..."
Nikki: other one was....... uhhhhhhhhhhh.... uhhhhhhhh forgettable
Nikki: OH
Nikki: Heroin Andy comes in with his infant
Nikki: and she's coughing this weird hacking cough and he's telling Eva how he's been to the doctor and the doctor says there's nothing wrong with her, just a cough, otherwise she's behaving normally...
Nikki: so after he leaves, I'm like "Probably crack-smoker's cough..."
miklos: you ARE a horrible person.