#203 · Jul 12, 2008
Aaron: kelowna has the most golf courses i have ever seen for a small city
Aaron: tell me if this makes sense
Aaron: its like a desert here, hardly any rain, 34- 40C normal temps from June - Sept
Aaron: and they hardly have any water supply, so theres always a shortage
Aaron: each one takes something like 1 million litres a day
Aaron: like dude you have to see my lawn, its not even there anymore. its just dead straw looking grass
Aaron: and lots of dirt
miklos: but the greens are nice and flourishing on the courses
Aaron: oh yeah, the courses look wonderful
Aaron: i think 2 or 3 would be good
Aaron: but what do i know...
Aaron: you should see the rich people though
Aaron: they have ponds and pools and all these stuff
Aaron: downtown looks like venice
Aaron: with waterways
miklos: so then where's the shortage?
Aaron: well, farmers dont have any water for crops haha
Aaron: they took it all from them
miklos: stupid farmers.. they're so whiny
Aaron: ponds and golf are much better